The development of Lemon8 began in 2020 under its original name, Sharee, initially launched in the Japanese market. In 2021, ByteDance rebranded it as Lemon8 to better attract younger users and compete with popular apps like Pinterest and Instagram. By 2023, the platform successfully entered the US and UK markets, quickly topping the App Store’s lifestyle app download charts. This success can be attributed to its clear market positioning—a community focused on lifestyle sharing, especially appealing to women in their 20s and 30s.
In a competitive landscape, Lemon8 faces strong rivals like Instagram and Pinterest. Compared to these platforms, Lemon8's differentiated advantages lie in its refined algorithm recommendations and optimized user experience. These technologies make content more personalized, thus increasing user engagement. Additionally, ByteDance actively drives Lemon8's global expansion through collaborations with content creators and paid promotions. These efforts not only attract a large user base but also provide more opportunities for brand partnerships, securing Lemon8’s position in the global social media market.